Waking up on Sunday morning, expecting to head on over to Schlomo‘s for a brunch get together of the vlogtheory Yahoo! group. My brain doesn’t work that early, even if food is somehow involved, so it was just as well that nobody talked about vlog theory.
What’s videoblogging? The voices were somewhat less passionate in person than behind the safety of an email list. Personally I spent most of the time speaking to Randy about scrambled eggs and Andreas about bacon, and it was lot more interesting and productive than the usual brow beating that happens online.
One of the problems with moving all my Australian hosted web sites to U.S. based ones, is that they’re now using U.S. dates/times, which are around 18 hours earlier than Australian time. Because this was a rush job, it will be a few weeks before I can fix the code to correctly represent Australian times again. This post is a prime example, like who on earth posts at 8:56am?
Here’s a summary of most of the footage I shot at Vloggercon 2006. Dedicated to everyone who’s in it, most I know, a few I don’t. The song is Rocker by AC/DC, one of our greatest exports, from the album Dirty Deeds Done Dirty Cheap.
And I finally figured out how to properly letterbox the iPod (m4v) version correctly, to preserve my widescreen aspect ratio. Amusingly, the 512×288 H.264 version is only slightly larger (17.6 MB) than the letterboxed 320×240 (MPEG4) version (14.6 MB). Remember to expand the window in FireAnt!
I don’t know how many people noticed, but the main hall of vloggercon had this amazing bright red tinted skylight. This, and the colour of the seating, carpet and wood panel walls, brought this amazing warmth to the space, bathing it in the colour of revolution. Which was nice, considering it was so damn cold outside.
As for the blue/grey, this was the backdrop for the Intel booth. And while I loved Ted‘s idea that they just come and listen, as the weekend went on we started to hear rumours of them not taking the listening too seriously, and in fact making fun of videoblogging and videobloggers in general. Obviously it takes more than a career in microprocessors and a bowl of choc chip cookies to understand how the world is changing. No matter, we’ll see them again in Oktober.
Out front of Road Node 101 House, there was this amazing tree, which refused to be shot front on.
Of all the footage I nabbed on my trip, I’m particularly proud of the 30 minutes of aircraft noise. If I had to sit through it, then so should you… accompanied by footage of our Thursday night dinner. Chicken Massala, yum yum…
I went to Vloggercon 2006. Did you? Here’s the first in a series of videos I shot while I was there.
Special thanks to Jan and Markus who let me sleep on their floor, Jen and Jan for helping me get around, Dave, Markus and Ryanne for various lifts in automobiles, Jay for the invite and support, all the people who were offended by me over the past year and yet still welcomed me, Josh, Andreas, Jen, Jan, Adam and Michael for their friendship, Chuck the peacemaker who made peace from peace, and all the nice folks I spoke to over the whole weekend, too many to mention, you know who you are.
Let friendship not detract us from the goal. We are the media.
I just bought an iPod 5G, you know the one with video support. Problem is, my current video standard is widescreen 512×288 H.264 at 750 kb/s, which doesn’t work on the iPod.
So I’ve created another feed for the down rezed iPod version of each video. I haven’t gone back and converted any older videos, but hopefully you’ll be able to get all the new ones in either the high quality 512×288 or the new iPod 320×180.
Standard feed is at http://www.kashum.com/rss2.xml
iPod feed is at http://www.kashum.com/ipod.xml
Jochen Rick’s updated paper on Scenice Archetypes.
The intersection of the word fuck and the law is examined in four major areas: First Amendment, broadcast regulation, sexual harassment, and education.