Category Archives for Machinima
Insultmonger – swearing in german
Otto and Henrik’s personal dictionary.
Here’s an interesting one for those all inclusive definers of videoblogging, which we don’t necessarily agree with here at Is machinima videoblogging?
What’s the difference between Frank and Dale, or even Red vs. Blue for that matter, and other fictional video series’ on the web? Ask a Ninja, the ever awesome Chasing Windmills and others, are arguably the same, except that they have real actors instead of computer generated ones.
So what then of series’ such as Michael Verdi‘s When We Were Robots? Some are claiming that this is videoblogging, and by the distorted definition giving on wikipedia, it is. Thus most likely they’d also consider Frank and Dale as videoblogging.
Machinima is about as far away from videoblogging as CNN’s newscast or RocketBoom. Video is video. Let’s just call it that and be done with it yeah?
Being bored with having way too much work to do on various projects, a few weeks back I stupidly wrote, on a whim, 3 episodes of a mythical WWII comedy series. I think I was in a sketch writing mood, because I’d been lamenting that we’d started doing our A Walk in the Black Forest radio show again, but we hadn’t written any sketches yet. We used to be fairly prolific about 10 years ago.
Coincidentally, that same day, I saw a demo of a new came called Company of Heroes, which is awesome by the way, but which is also strangely enough set in WWII, and has some interesting machinima capabilities.
So here it is, a sneak peak at Frank and Dale, a new machinima series. Let me know what you think.