I mean seriously, someone needs to invent a better baby bottle. Surely it’s not that difficult you know, milk goes in the bottle, bottle goes into baby’s mouth, baby provides a seal around the bottle, and you just pour the shit down baby’s throat. What could be simpler?

The most popular bottle brands in Sydney today are Avent and Pigeon. They’re nicely sculptured in clear plastic, with a slightly thinning bit in the middle to make it easier to grasp. Inset is a photo of an Avent bottle, now owned by Philips.
All these bottles have one thing in common, unless you tip them up to about 80 degrees, a few mls of milk will remain in the bottle, because there’s an internal lip that prevents it running out. You can see it in the Avent ones pictured, but they seem to be like this in all bottles. On top of this, the standard teats you buy are fitted to these bottles in a way that actually creates a second internal lip, that you guessed it, prevents another few mls of milk from leaving the bottle.
At first I thought this may be so that any sediment will fall into the lip and not into baby’s mouth, but I doubt it. It’s just plain badly designed.
We’ve put men on the moon, worked out how to incinerate hundreds of thousands of people in an instant, and we’ve invented the hot and cold thermos, surely after feeding babies for hundreds of thousands of years, the practice of feeding a baby properly is within our grasp?