Today Molly shat three times in the middle of a nappy change.
We’ve been changing Molly in her bassinet since she came home last Thursday, and my back has been starting to hurt because it’s too low down, so we finally bit the bullet and bought a change table. My Mum and Dad did the research over the weekend, and I went and picked one up today. The plan was that Louise, Molly and I would go, but the severe thunderstorms put paid to that. We also had another visit from the community nurse today, all part of the awesome service they provide for pre-term babies at RPA. Did I mention RPA rock, and you’d be either an idiot, or a Packer, or both, if you went anywhere else?
So it was my turn for cares this evening, but it was the first time we’d be using the new change table, so I managed to con Louise into helping, in what ended up being the triple poo incident. I had a run of eight cares in a row at the hospital when Molly would wee on the new nappy in the middle of the change and cause us to change the entire bed and all her clothes, but I’d been fairly lucky in the last few days. Not so now. Three nappies, eight wipes, two towels, a singlet and a jump suit all soiled.
Sunday, yesterday, was going to be a big day. We were supposed to have visits from two of Louise’s brothers, then one of her sister in laws, then a friend of mine to help empty the house of a bunch of old computer crap that’s been taking up valuable Molly space, and then Louise’s sister. In the end, none of it happened, which as you know is normal for our scheduled plans. Except for her brothers, who popped in while I was out doing even more shopping for necessities, like antibacterial hand wash, bottom wipes and chocolate, not necessarily in that order.
We’re starting to get more sleep now, and patterns with the cares are starting to emerge. I usually do the late night ones solo, and Louise does the early morning ones solo, and we share during the day. Although today Louise did most of them, as a rehearsal for the next three days when I’m at a client in town. This may not last that long, as they’re trying to get me security access so that I can work from home, which would make things oh so much easier, and I’d actually get more work done as well. But it would mean more poo disasters.
I was going to make this part 40 blog post the final in this series, but I kept remembering cool stuff to mention throughout the day, so I think I’ll continue on. Although I forgot them again by the time I got to writing this, so I need to get out my old reminder notebook out again. Louise and I both get calls and emails from people who are reading this blog, not just family and friends, but also distant friends and acquaintances. I’m not sure whether it’s an interesting read, or whether it just brings back memories of them going through the same thing, but either way, that’s gotta be a good thing.
Right now it’s 10pm, and time for a feed and cares. Louise is asleep on the lounge, and Phoebe is asleep on her lap, with Molly upstairs asleep in her bassinet. How come everyone is sleeping except for me? Time to wake them all up…
Again, if you’re not into my personal stuff, then please consider customising your RSS feed so that it doesn’t contain the personal stuff. Either way, I still figure there’s either a book, a stage show or a stand up routine in all this, which I’ll probably work on when I get some free time… some free time… some free time…