When you do a 32 hour straight server rebuild on day 3 of your baby’s premature birth, the world seems insane and surreal, and when the frustration subsides a little, and you see that cute little baby’s innocent face, you realise how pointless anger can be, and how much you love your new family member. Having spent the last few days pretty much in Molly’s face and ears (talking to her), I felt like I was letting her down by not being able to visit and comfort her, and I would have gladly swapped the rebuild for a dozen parking fines and flat tyres.
So I got to the end of Friday with most of the web site up and running, and I trudged off to the hospital full of pent up anger. Any parking ticket, flat tyre or crap from a parking officer would have resembled a scene from Falling Down, at least the middle action part anyway. And lucky there weren’t any of those smoker types hanging around the front entrance to the hospital, or emergency would have been busy tonight. You know the ones, those pathetic scum, many of whom are patients in hospital gowns and who are holding on to a drip, right next to the front door where there’s a sign which says “Hospital Grounds Are Smoke Free”. Don’t these selfish losers care that their second hand smoke to shortening the lives of everyone going in and out of the hospital? A hospital for God’s sake!
It took me an hour with Molly to calm down, then an hour with Louise to mellow a little, and then another hour with Molly to make me happy again. Today she did a big poo, which was great, and is now taking 2ml of food each hour. She’s the calmest and happiest baby in the nursery, and they reckon in a few days she’ll no longer need the canular. Mum is also doing excellently, with her blood pressure pretty much normal most of the time, she’s up and walking about, and learning heaps about breasts and pumps and stuff. I would have too, but I instead spent the day with vi and Apache, which is not a even substitute.
Hopefully early next week, both Louise and Molly will be up to having visitors. We’ll see.