Today Louise got up and was walking around a little, hard to believe considering she was on the operating table and completely cut open the day before. What a testament to modern medicine.
When Molly was born, I went with her to neonatal, and spent about 40 minutes with her while mum was being stitched up, and then headed back to Louise’s room to find out how she was, but her room was empty and the nurses didn’t know where she was. I found out later that the orderly had pushed her bed into neonatal to see Molly, and I had left just as she arrived. So until today, we hadn’t actually seen Molly at the same time. So today we went together and had nice cuddles. It’s only now that it’s becoming so real.
Louise overdid it a bit though, and ended up around lunchtime with high blood pressure again, and needing a lot of rest. Molly’s other grandmother also came to see her today which was really nice, as she travelled for four hours to do so. Molly’s now met both sides of grandparents. 🙂
As for going forward, tomorrow Louise will hopefully move to the pump, after we’ve spent the last few days hand expressing, and she’ll try to take the day a little more carefully.
Molly is doing great, she did her first little poo today (Louise will probably ask me to remove this bit, so you’re lucky you read it first 🙂 ), and she’s a little jaundiced, but this is fairly normal.
Thanks again to all the people sending their wishes via sms and email etc., we will try to reply in a few weeks, because we’re a little busy right now, so don’t take it personally. We aren’t taking visitors yet outside of close family, because both are trying to get their health up, so please, call me if you want any information, or if you’d like me to send you some photos. Hopefully by the weekend Louise will be up to seeing a few people, but we’re not sure at this point.