So they let Louise out for a 3 hour day release, which is great, although that seems to suggest that she’s not coming permanently home any time soon. Last we heard we’ll most likely hit the 35 weeks, which is this coming Friday by their figures, this Thursday by the official method, and we reckon personally about Tuesday, so in theory, Thursday will be 35 and a half weeks. Baby is pretty big, so this also backs this up.
We left the hospital and walked to Louise’s car, which has been locked in the car park since Thursday. I was relaxed about handing over a quite substantial amount of money, even though I still had issues about car park man. So we got in and drove to the boom gate. He gave us a bit of a discount, which was nice, and so unlike him considering I felt like I knew him so well, but it was still expensive. As we drove out, the gravel and dirt turned to concrete, and I felt the car leaning slightly to the right, and then I heard the car parking man yelling at us. What an arse. It was then I realised… we had a flat tyre…
My life is a bit like that, when I have disasters, they tend all come at once. And the last thing I needed right now was the car parking man yelling at me for blocking his exit lane. He came running up and… asked if we needed help, if he could change the tyre for us, or if he could call the NRMA. It turns out, the car parking man aint such an arse after all. Well, maybe just on weeknights…
Louise is still at home, but we’ll be heading back to the hospital in about an hour. We have clothes, washing, cleaning and other bits and pieces, so we don’t need any help at this stage, but we have dozens of offers of help, so the minute we need it, you’ll all be getting a call. Thanks for all your concern.