One of the great things about videoblogging, is the immediacy of the medium. I can read a blog, an email list, or watch a videoblog, then record a response, and have it online as a reply within the hour. And I’m in another country (Australia) from the majority of people I’m having a discussion with.
But whenever I try to use the medium this way, something always goes awry. In this case, I get back from Melbourne on Friday, manage to read my email on Saturday, only to find a discussion slagging my Wikipedia changes, from the previous Monday. So I record a response video, and upload it on Saturday night, but Ourmedia crashes on me, and it’s not until today (two weeks after the initial discussion took place), that my video gets published.
I’ve calmed down now, I haven’t read the videoblogging email list for over a week, and I was seriously considering just deleting the video and getting on with my life. But one of the fun things about videoblogging, is just making video and publishing it, taking a risk, and living with the consequences.
So here it is, recorded just after I read the original “What is videoblogging?” bitch-off on the email list. My apologies for the language, or if I offend anyone. My opinion on the definition hasn’t changed (it’s gone back three months to the pathetic description it used to be), and my refusal to go back to Wikipedia hasn’t changed, but I’m now comfortable with that decision. Oh, and I don’t really mean “Fuck Wikipedia”. Just “Fuck the Vlog entry on Wikipedia…”
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