This site’s been through quite a few changes in the last couple of months, and I’m worried that you might unsubscribe from my feed, or think I’m moving away from what may have brought you here in the first place.
For starters, I haven’t stopped doing what I’ve always done, cynical, amusing, arguably insightful, blogging theory and other stuff. What I have done is increased the scope, and coincidentally picked up a few more readers in the process.
I also have a blog at Synop, where I work, but I’ve since copied all those posts into this blog as well, so this is now the one stop shop. Those interested in my blogging theory posts, can now get it all from here, instead of via two feeds.
My RSS feed has for a long time had filtering by category, so to make things easy, here are some URLs that you may find useful to get at specific content on my blog.
This feed will give you everything in RSS 2.0.
This is just my blogosphere theory posts. So future directions, projects I’m working on, critique of blogging fads etc. All theoretical.
This is just my video content. Not just the enclosures, but also rarely other content which may be of interest in the video space.,B,1,6,L,8,4,2,R,3,7
This is everything except my video content. For those who have no interest in videoblogging, use this feed to get all the stuff you used to get.
Or you can mix and match your own, by filtering by customising the feed yourself.
Also, you can now navigate the site directly by category as well. Just visit the home page, and the category browse filters are in the top right corner.
And there’s more coming, but you’ll have to wait a little bit longer for that news.