Today was a big day for my blog. My most popular post, Dear Vodafone and your mp3 ringtone DRM, welcome to the blogosphere, about how DRM and paranoia are slowing, if not holding back, the advance of technology and culture, topped at least twice the number of page views in the last 6 weeks as my second most popular post. OK, it is more a rant about Vodafone, but I promise, the idea was in my conscious mind at the time.
In fact, one of the follow up posts The Vodafone et al DRM content conspiracy is a little more to the point, and asks why go to so much trouble, when there is only a negative benefit for Sony Ericsson and Vodafone.
Anyway, I was virtual dumpster diving tonight for unfinished blog posts (emailed blog posts to myself, which were never completed), when I came across this wonderful piece of research by Anne Galloway, which coincidentally pretty much nails what I was probably trying to say. Unfortunately there is no HTML splash (permalink) for the paper, which is a PDF, so I’ll have to hyperlink directly to it: Design for Hackability.
Design for hackability. Please.