Today went to plan. Give or take. We had our very first family perambulation, form the nursery to the local cafe in the hospital, effectionately known by some of the staff as Hepatitus Harry’s. Molly slept through the entire thing, and didn’t actually see anything outside the nursery. The nursery and the operating theatre are all behind a pass coded security door, so it was a big deal for Louise and I to take her beyond that for the first time in the almost three weeks she’s been out. It’s a pity she didn’t feel the same way. 🙂
Tonight we had a really good breast feed, the best yet by far, followed by a bottle top up. The nurses are now saying she needs to have done 48 hours of breast or bottle feeds before she can go home. At the moment she’s only doing two out of the six she has each day, so we have a while to go yet. We’re now betting on next weekend, so around the 26th/27th July, before she can come home.
The DIY instant baby car container kit is now locked in for Tuesday at 11am, which is thankfully well before Molly will be getting out. Tuesday is also Louise’s next check up, when hopefully they’ll reduce her medication again.
So this week will most likely be a slow week, with nothing much happening.