The Great Escape is now looking more like Wednesday. Molly is now having two breast with bottle top up feeds per day, out of a possible four, but it’s tiring her out. She’s going to need a little more time to get used to it. Now whenever she’s IG (Intragastric, feeding through the tube), she also gets a dummy, to try to stimulate the sucking impulse. It’s working, it’s just a lot of work for her. Today she also had her very first proper cry, a sign of things to come I’m sure.
Louise stepped up her milk production today, jumping from the mid sized container up to the large sized container. Sounds like one of those big metal milking pales in a dairy the way I mention it, but the large ones are about 40mls and made of disposable see through plastic, much like an oversize takeaway tartare sauce tub you’d get with your fish and chips. U.S. readers can look that one up in wikipedia under English icons.
My client with the failing server is still ticking away. Tonight we moved the hard drives and RAM into a new chassis, to try to find what’s causing our ongoing hanging issues, so we’ll see how that goes. The race is on against my client, the DIY instant baby care container, and Molly coming home. My bet at this point is on the container.
And the days don’t get any shorter or less weirder. The city was completely empty of traffic and people today as Young Catholics Week took over Sydney, and his papalness did several laps of the CBD, perhaps in preparation for Randwick on Sunday. It was just like the Olympics and APEC, only Sydneysiders were this time not so much frustrated, but more let’s get it over with already. And if you missed him, no problem, you can see him from anywhere on the harbour, projected up onto the south eastern tower of the Harbour Bridge, 24×7 until Sunday. Some government marketing wizz must have come up with that one. I wonder if they’ll offer the same thing to the Dalai Lama next time he visits. We also had our first Scared Scriptless show at the Harold Park Hotel tonight, which was a pretty good start, and surprisingly free of pope jokes.