It’s Friday, and the beginning of the third week of this ongoing saga. Molly is now on 4th hourly feeds, just like a regular baby, and she’s had all of her cables and cords removed, even her feeding tube, which they now only put in at feeding time.
This week has been hard for Louise and I, dealing with regular day to day stuff, medical stuff and at the same time always visiting Molly to make sure she’s OK. We’re not getting enough sleep, but we know at least we know it, and have vowed to work on that over the next few days.
No disasters over the last few days, although my client’s server which I rebuilt last week has started having problems again, meaning I spent most of the day working on that. I think it’s now fixed, but we’ll see.
Every day in hospital is now just waiting on Molly to grow, and to get to where she can breast feed. We have no idea when that will be, we think up to three weeks, but it’s just going to be day by day at this point. So I’m going to slacken off the blogging, unless something amusing or interesting happens. Thanks for reading along. I will still be updating the photos every day however.