Day 14 of our hospital ideal, and day 9 of Molly in the world. She’s now about 35 and a half weeks. The parents are coping, but exhausted. We still have two flat tyres to fix, everyone to start thanking, and a bunch of other stuff, but are experiencing a lot of different takeaway foods, and there is good news from the hospital today.
It just goes to show that Mum and Dad never know best. Molly was moved from her crib into a cot today at around 11am, because she can now regulate her temperature at around 36-37c. She’s wrapped snug as a bug most of the time, to make sure she’s coping. She’s now taking in 27mls of milk every two hours, which is huge compared to the 2mls every four hours she was having on day 2, And at 10pm tonight they finally took her off the monitor, so no more monitoring cables stuck to her foot. This leaves only the green feeding tube that you see in the photos. She’s still doing exceptionally well, so she must have inherited Louise’s good health.
Twice today and once yesterday, she decided to test the new parents by waiting until they’d removed her nappy, cleaned her up, and were just putting on the new nappy, before shitting and pissing everywhere, and making us have to change all her clothes, blankets and even her bed. I guess that’s the first time I’ve swore on here since the family have been regularly reading along. Sorry about that, but I’m sure you’ve all been through it. This cutie certainly has class.
We’re still enforcing a no visitors policy, because every day is a big step for her, and whenever we arrive at the hospital in the morning, we end up having to completely change our plans and run around like mad things all day. I know a lot of you want to come see her, but please be patient while she works her way through this critical period. We’ve updated the photos again, so hopefully they will tide you over until she’s ready to party on with new people.
And as I mentioned at the top, we haven’t even begun to even think about thanking people, so if you’ve sent kind wishes or presies, thank you heaps we appreciate it, and we will be in touch at some point. I was so tired today, I accidentally erased a bunch of SMS’, so if we don’t actually get back to you, please don’t think we’re being rude.