I got to the hospital at around 11am today, and the first thing Louise said was “they just said I can go home”. So as with every day, our plans go out the window before the day has even started. We spent the rest of the day doing Louise going home things, like empty her room, thanking all the awesome midwives in 6 East 3, and picking up Molly’s paperwork.
I’d walked to the hospital, so I had to walk home again to get the car. I figured this would finally be a good time to get the cheap parking offered by the hospital, because if you remember, there’s usually some kind of disaster which befalls me just as I’m about to do it. This time there was luckily no disaster.
The form which you fill in, has the patient details in the corner, and the form we had was for Louise. I told her that Louise was being discharged today, so did we need to get a new form with Molly’s name, or would the Louise one be fine. For once the answer was no problem, I could just use the form with Louise on it. Great I thought, having just been lured into a false sense of security. It was then that lady said, when you’ve paid here, take the receipt to the parking lady’s counter, but she’s not actually in today. The upshot was, in case there weren’t any car parking spots, she wanted to do both parts of the form on the same day. Great, prevented again.
We spent the afternoon tracking down a pump and sterilising that so that we could take Molly some express later in the evening. Louise felt like eating Indian, so we had some takeaway, and headed back to the hospital at 8:30pm. As we opened the door to the house, we were struck by a thunder storm. I kid you not, literally as we stepped out of our front door…
So after 12 days in hospital, when Louise thought she was just going in during lunch for a quick check up, we have one lady now back home. Only one little lady left to go, hopefully in about 2-3 weeks, they’re now just waiting for her to grow.