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Louise and Molly are both doing well. Louise’s blood pressure is normalising, and she’s now up and walking around some of the time, and she can even walk to the nursery now to see Molly. Speaking of whom, Molly’s drinking more and more, and her vitals are looking great. Mum and I had long cuddles yesterday, and I sat with her for several hours as well.
However, as mentioned earlier (not sure what the group noun for disasters is, probably “bloody heaps”) but disasters do all come at once with me. The previous night I managed to get to the special window which dispenses the really cheap car parking, but I got there at 5pm, when it closes at 3:30pm, so I had to pay another $20 dollars in parking.
The next day, yesterday, Louise was due to do her first breast feed at 3pm after a bit of a rest, so I headed off to the cheap parking window again at around 1pm, and was going to walk home (I’d walked to the hospital) and do an emergency shop because we’re out of necessities at home, like Phoebe’s food! So I got to the window and there’s a queue. I only had 2 hours to spare to get it and the shopping done before the first breast feed, so I was a little frustrated at having to wait 15 minutes for the rude nurse in front of me to organise parking for her shift change. Got to the window, and was told just fill in the form (which they’d already given us) and go to a different window. Grr… I started to fill in the form, but needed the license plate for Louise’s car, which through lack of sleep I couldn’t remember. So I figured I’ll check it when I get home and hand in the form at 3pm when I got back, just before the window closes at 3:30pm. Annoying, but doable.
As soon as I walked in the door at home, there was a message on the office phone that one of my clients’ server was down. I spent the next 4 hours sitting in the hosting providers control panel, waiting for them to do diagnostics. Yes, the one day of the year when I wanted to see mum and baby breast feed for the first time, this server had decided to shit itself. I missed the 3pm thing, I didn’t get the emergency shop, and I missed the 3:30pm cheap parking window, which means I’m up for yet another $20 in parking next time. The day was completely written off for me.
The diagnostics on the server ran until about 5am, indicated a drive failure, and I’m now waiting on them to tell me when I can start rebuilding the box. Yep, my entire Friday, day 4 of my baby’s birth, is now going to be spent rebuilding a web server. I also had a hair cut bleach and dye appointment today, which is also going to be missed, and I’m guessing it won’t be until much later tonight that I get back to the hospital.
I did manage to get out last night for about an hour during diagnostics to do the shopping and a very quick visit to Molly, but because I missed the cheap parking window, I also got an $81 parking fine. What else would you expect…
And that is today’s update. I’ll post again once I’m off work time and back into mum and baby time. Both are doing well, both miss me.