Louise rang me this morning (Tuesday) at 7:30am, and said that her blood pressure had spiked overnight, and that they had decided to pull the baby out. I posted a short rather ambiguous blog post to keep family and friends off our backs, and headed off to the hospital.
At 1pm, we were taken to theatre, where Louise was given a spinal and an epidural. 10 minutes after that, the anesthetist told us that there’d be a sucking noise, then a pull, then the baby would pop out quite quickly, at which point we could both look over the screen over Louise’s face and have a quick look.
Luckily I had my A1P running, and at 2:32pm, Molly Claire was born, all 31cm and 2.1Kg (4.6 pounds) of her (which I managed to capture on video). After a quick medical check up due to being 5 weeks premature, Mummy had a quick cuddle, and off we went to neonatal, where she was given a yummy warm 32.4c humidicrib to rest in, and apart from a short visit from some new grandparents later that night, she’s been happily sleeping most of the rest of the day. Louise is also doing very well, and may well be up on her feet by tomorrow, but we’ll see.
It’s been a very long day, and I haven’t even talked about the second flat tyre I got last night. Maybe later… Thank you to everytone who sent messages, they were much appreciated, and we wll get back to you at some point.