So much for a boring day. The renal specialist visited again today, and while they now seem to have most of the symptoms in order, Louise’s liver is now starting to show signs of pre-eclampsia. It’s like squeezing a balloon, the more you treat in one area, the more it shows up in others. Anyway, now they’re talking about maybe tomorrow or the next day for a cesar, but we’ve yet to speak to our obstetrician, so we don’t know for sure. Baby continues to do well. Louise is getting a little tense that we’re getting closer and closer to the birth. Tense and excited, it’s a mix of emotions I think.
I’m busy finishing up my end of year, and then I have a jam tonight for Backstreet Stories that I would be in a bit of trouble if I missed, so I’m going to drop in on Louise this afternoon, and then maybe again after the jam depending if anything happens.