Louise and I have been counting the days to the birth of our baby. Due on 8th August, or 8/8/8, the same day as the 2008 Olympics, the number 8 is of course good luck in Chinese, and media are nicely telling us over and over how many days to go, which is nice of them to care about us and little bubby.
In What a crazy year, part 1, I was in Canberra, and had just managed to get my passport and Visa application in on time. Jump to lunchtime Thursday at the end of that week, I’m still in Canberra, and I get a call from Louise “Look, there’s nothing to worry about, but I’ve just xxxxxx, and I called the hospital just to check, and they suggested I come in so they can just do a routine check, so I’m going to head over there after lunch”
So I was just a little on edge that afternoon, with a few critical meetings that I had to do before taking the four hour drive back to Sydney. Then around 5pm, as I’m packing my car to leave, I get another call “I’m just sitting here, they ran some tests, but no real news, I’m hoping they’ll let me go soon, but I’m not sure. I have some urgent work to do at home so…”
10 minutes later I get the call that they want her in over night just to monitor her. Fine, let’s do that, better safe than sorry. I started driving. I’m half way back and the phone calls from Louise are getting more panicy. Louise has never been in hospital before as a patient, and has rarely visited one to see someone else, so the whole experience was fairly confronting.
I arrived around 8:30pm, and then we heard the word we didn’t want to hear, Pre-eclampsia.
It’s now Saturday, and for friends and family reading this, this is what’s happening. Both baby and Louise are great, no problems. Louise has fairly high blood pressure at the moment, so they’re monitoring that to see how it goes. Over the next day or so they will then make a call on whether the baby should be delivered (we’re five weeks from the due date) or not, just to be safe. Apart from that, we know little else.
We’ve both had to shed as many appointments and deadlines as possible, amongst mine being two big shows that I was supposed to Stage Manage and tech, and of course the inevitably jinxed Vietnam trip, so much for that.
But yeah, we’re all doing fine, we just really don’t know what’s going to happen from hour to hour.
Special thanks to Cale, Lyn, John, Peter and Cindy for allowing me to cancel a bunch of stuff at the last minute. I’ll make it up to you. Right, back to the hospital…