It has been a strange couple of months. For the past week, I’ve been sick and moving house, an interesting combination: recover for a day, move some stuff, recover for a day, move some stuff… Before that I was in Canberra for two weeks, where I most likely picked up the flu, and it was so bloody cold.
All the while, waiting for Telstra to move my ADSL connection again, so having no Internet at the same time as everything else was happening. When they finally did get it connected, it wouldn’t work, with my ISP telling me “oh, they probably didn’t jumper the modem at the exchange, that’s their usual mistake”, and then a Telstra techo telling me “yeah, it’s probably not jumpered at the exchange, some of our guys have no idea”. Great… just great… Yes, it wasn’t jumpered at the exchange. Seriously, Telstra should be dismantled and sold off in little pieces, with the copper infrastructure transfered to another government organisation. They’re completely clueless.
So anyway, now I have Internet access again, and this is the beginning of my backlog of videos. This was shot during the weekend between my two weeks in Canberra…
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