Sydney is a small place, even though we have a population of 3 879 400 people. And the centre of Sydney’s small placedness is Impro Australia.
My wife (at the time “to be”), got me into Theatresports, although I’d seen it many a year ago on the ABC in the 1980s, as did everyone else so it would seem. I figure that’s half a point for my wife, and half a point for the TV. Her brother is a bit of a Theatresports legend, as is the school friend of my last ex-girlfriend, that’s gotta be two points. Then there’s the degrees of separation, the Theatresports guy who works at an R&D lab where a friend of mine used to design graphics imaging chips, another’s brother has done work for our company and knows my boss who in turn now purely coincidentally plays as well, and our excessively overskilled accounts chick used to play with my aforementioned brother in law. My best friend, who I got into Theatresports, at one time shared a court with another friend and main stage player. Then there’s the coincidences, the friend (and player) that snuck into the Midnight Oil Goat Island gig when I was stupid enough not to*, the Mac-centric guys who started their own impro troupe, the list goes on…
But none of this helps when trying to get ahead and get roles in impro shows. If you’re not consistently annoying people for stage time, or you accidentally (or intentionally) get overlooked for a certain show, then you’re set back for up to a year before you can continue the climb. And of course lack of stage time means lack of experience, which makes the job even harder. Throw in the politics, and well, it’s tough…
Anyway, all this started when I got an email this afternoon from a friend/player saying they were looking for a solution to a spell check problem with Microsoft Word, and coincidentally my site popped up in Google with the answer. Small world…
Then there’s the intra-work coincidences. I’m at the MC5 gig on Friday night, and who do I bump into, but a Canberra based client of ours, rocking away as I was. Small world…
Speaking of Theatresports, this Friday 6th August 2004, I’m extremely lucky enough to play with some of the nicest and most talented new players around, when we compete in the St George Theatresports competition. 7pm, at the St George Bank Auditorium, Montgomery St., Kogarah. Come along and check it out, you’ll have a cack.
* 2JJJ ran a contest back in 1986 as part of their ten year anniversary, asking listeners to write in listing their 3 favourite bands. Midnight Oil was my favourite, but I wanted to support my fave indie artists, so I put The Celibate Rifles, Lime Spiders and someone else who I’ve forgotten. What they didn’t mention was that anyone who said Midnight Oil, got a free ticket to the secret Goat Island gig. Since then I’ve always been honest about my favourite artists.
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