Last week I said I’d put a manifesto up here, to guide my blogging. Aside from it being the current fad, I decided I needed a little more focus to my writing. While my web site dates back to about 1993 or so, I only started blogging, albeit exceptionally intermittently, back in October 2001. A recent day job foray into blogging technology however, has spurred me to start writing more often.
So ultimately, this blog exists mainly to help me research the blogosphere, to get inside the heads of bloggers by being one myself, and to use this knowledge to help build better tools and technologies for the blogging and microcontent space. So without getting too serious, this is my blogging manifesto.
I want to experience and experiment with the three main blogging types:
- Original writing from original research
- Advance, extend (and credit) other writers
- Refer readers to other research/resources that relate to my writing
In support of these, I’ve defined the following guidelines for my writing:
- Be pedantic, be cynical, but do it with humor (U.S. spelling due to Macquarie boycott)
- Make people think, when they ordinarily may not have
- Have an opinion, but don’t be opinionated
- Don’t insult, abuse, ridicule or belittle other writers, but do point out corrections and inaccuracies in their writing
- Don’t get too serious, and save the theoretics for my work blog
Ultimately, if you as a reader can laugh at, learn from and then think about one my posts, then I guess I’ve succeeded.